Top 29 of the Most Dangerous Sports in the World, From Sky Diving to Heli-Skiing

Jai Alai

Played using solid rubber balls that are even harder than golf balls that have been bounced against a wall, jai alai is a game. Now picture that ball coming towards you at a speed of more than 200 mph. During the frantic game, it's not unusual for one of those balls to contact a player in the body or face, gravely hurting them.

It's inevitable that you'll get hit because the ball is frequently flung around and bounces off the three walls more quickly than the human eye can track. According to Brad Nash of GQ, Jai Alai has lost some of its appeal as a sport in recent years, perhaps as a result of those factors.Keep reading below.


Gymnasts' bodies are pushed through a lot, and they run the risk of suffering many serious injuries, even though they don't have to worry about falling off a horse or sliding down an icy slope. Gymnastics coach Jay Ronayne of Iowa State University said, "In 40 years, I've seen a lot. "Everything [injuries], from catastrophic spinal injuries to reparable [injuries]."

Children's Hospital Colorado states that gymnasts "need to develop speed, balance, and grace in addition to strength and flexibility, which can result in injury if not trained properly." Many gymnasts, however, voluntarily face these dangers because they adore the sport so much.Keep reading below.
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