Top 29 of the Most Dangerous Sports in the World, From Sky Diving to Heli-Skiing

Downhill Mountain Biking

Even though most of us learned to ride a bike as children, taking leisurely neighborhood rides didn't always qualify us for downhill mountain biking. The trail isn't paved to begin with, and there are several bumps and drops that riders must be ready for. It is also full of rocks and dirt.

Experienced motorcyclists get the adrenaline they need to keep going by enduring this difficult terrain, but they are also aware of the dangers, which include fractured bones, concussions, and internal bleeding. Rider error and bad trail conditions are the two main causes of injury, per a study by Paracelsus Medical University.Keep reading below.


Rugby players collide with one another without any protection due to the weight of their bodies and the spikes on their footwear. "1 in 4 rugby players will experience an injury during a season," claims Dr. Sarah Tobin. "On average, each player performs 20 to 40 tackles per match," she continued, "creating plenty of opportunities for injury."

The game, which has always been dominated by men, has recently seen a rise in popularity among women. Before entering the field, the majority of participants agree to the hazards involved. Some rugby injuries are sprains, while others are muscular strains or contusions. Overuse injuries, fractures, and dislocations are some others.Keep reading below.
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