Top 29 of the Most Dangerous Sports in the World, From Sky Diving to Heli-Skiing

Street Luge

Would you believe that racing down a hill on your back at roughly 70 mph would be safe in a leather bodysuit? Street lugers! Extreme gravity-powered activity is the sport. Riders sprint down a paved road or circuit at extremely high speeds while lying horizontally on luge boards, also referred to as sleds.

Luggers must ride defensively because they can only use their feet as brakes in a collision. So, of course, a lot of training is involved before hitting the track. Competitors in the sport, however, are willing to incur the risk because they truly love the high it provides.Keep reading below.

Scuba Diving

Scuba diving makes it possible to explore the huge underwater world and see coral reefs, stunning fish, and other marine life. The oxygen tanks on each diver allow them to freely roam about the water. Even if the activity opens people's eyes to a whole new universe, there are risks involved, which is why a certification is needed.

In addition to the apparent hazard of drowning, scuba diving has several other risks. Underwater hazards include surfacing too rapidly, having the wrong gas mixtures in your oxygen tank, and, you know, sharks. However, scuba instructors aid in preparing people who are daring enough to travel deep underwater.Keep reading below.
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