Top 29 of the Most Dangerous Sports in the World, From Sky Diving to Heli-Skiing


Wakeboarding is one of the most popular water sports, and although it might appear simple from the sidelines, this couldn't be further from the truth. Naturally, performing at a slower tempo would reduce the risks, but there are other considerations to make.

Many wakeboarders have been hurt, whether it was from running into anything in the water or from having to get back to the boat after falling. When it comes to this water sport, shoulder dislocations and arm sprains are quite frequent, particularly from hard water impacts.Keep reading below.


Fans of hockey may typically anticipate fights starting at any moment. Despite wearing a lot of protection, hockey players can still get head injuries, including concussions, when they collide with the ice, other players, boards, or skates. Additionally, they have blades on their feet!

While gliding across the ice at great speeds, maintaining their feet, and taking body checks and stick checks from the opposing team, players must manage to score goals. It's fortunate that hockey equipment has the protection that it provides. In their chilly stadiums, those players participate in some taxing matches.Keep reading below.
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