Top 29 of the Most Dangerous Sports in the World, From Sky Diving to Heli-Skiing


Like other contact sports, wrestling exposes participants to a range of ailments, from concussions to shattered bones. An American Journal of Sports Medicine study found that wrestling is more likely to cause concussions in athletes than football.

According to Jim Guinta of the National Collegiate Wrestling Association, the majority of concussion injuries occur during a takedown. Given the recognized risk factors, wrestlers and coaches regularly monitor head injuries and pay close attention to hard falls to prevent serious long-term harm.Keep reading below.

Auto Racing

The popularity of auto racing dates back to the late 19th century. All types of people are lured by the fast-paced adrenaline rush and excitement of racing around a track. Unfortunately, a loss of control or a high-speed collision with fuel that is highly flammable can have disastrous results right away.

Always buckle up and drive defensively, whether one is participating in competitive racing or just racing for enjoyment. You may live out your Fast and Furious fantasies as long as you drive safely, picture yourself behind the wheel of that gorgeous automobile, channel your favorite character, and enjoy the ride!Keep reading below.
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