Some of the Most Iconic Cars From the 1960s

Oldsmobile Toronado

Our next classic car was eight years in the making, though it may not have been as flashy as an Electra 225. It was intended to be a less expensive alternative for those who didn't want to spend a lot of money on a Ford Thunderbird or other high-end models of the day.

When Oldsmobile unveiled the 1966 model, it was unlike anything we had ever seen before. A first for General Motors, the beautiful car's front-wheel drive quickly made it a fan favorite and "symbolic of a resurgence of imaginative engineering and tasteful styling in the U.S. auto industry," as Motor Trend proudly put it.

Convertible Chrysler 300F

The Chrysler 300F was as attractive as it was dynamic, with a lighter, more rigid design than its forerunners. And we're not just referring to the front seats of the car, which may be swung outward for simpler access.

Why did this striking model end up on our list, you ask? Style, performance, and intelligence were all present in the 1960s masterpiece. The 300F was as sporty as it was stylish, right down to its foldable fabric roof and opulent leather interior. It's not surprising that the novel design made it one of the most sought-after cars of its era, with a massive front engine and rear-wheel drive.
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