Ruinous Riches: Unbelievably Costly Abandoned Constructions

14. Abandoned Virginia Renaissance Faire, Fredericksburg, Virginia

Location: Virginia's Fredericksburg 1996 is the year. Building cost: $5 million The Virginia Renaissance Faire, which was aimed at transforming Fredericksburg, Virginia, into a mediaeval paradise, ultimately failed and became a deserted wasteland. The goal of the Renaissance Faire's construction of multiple medieval structures perched above Fredericksburg's forests was to create a haven for role-players who aspired to live as royalty during the Middle Ages.

Fredericksburg, Virginia's abandoned Virginia Renaissance Faire (@atlasobscura/Pinterest) Unfortunately, the Faire experienced a number of poor seasons with little revenue and few visitors, and as a result, it had to give up building its mediaeval village in the woods. The creepy buildings now stand out among the verdant forests like a strange time warp, and people do come here, if only to explore these abandoned buildings.

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