Ruinous Riches: Unbelievably Costly Abandoned Constructions
1. Holland Island, Toddville, Maryland
The place is Toddville, Maryland. Time period: 1600s Price: not specified A century can bring about a lot of change in a municipality. This definitely applies to Holland Island, a piece of land in the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. Holland vanished, not merely changed. The island was first populated in the 1600s, and by 1910, there were only 300 residents living there.

2. 18th Street Subway Station, Manhattan, New York
Location: New York City, Manhattan, New York 1804 is the year. Building cost: $1–$5 billion* The original New York City subway included the 18th Street Subway Station in Manhattan. Although historically significant, this early 1900s opening wasn't all that significant of a line. Although its platforms were enlarged at various times, the New York Board of Transportation closed this stop during World War II.