8 Effective Yoga Poses for Women to Boost Fertility

4. Reclining Bound Angle (Supta Baddha Konasana)

This pose opens your hips, extends the inside of your thighs, and improves blood flow. How to execute: Kneel down on the floor with your back straight. Bring the soles of your feet together, with the edges of your feet on the floor, and let your knees drop open to the sides. Put your arms by your body or over your head as you exhale. Keep breathing in and out while you hold this position for one to five minutes.

5. Child’s Pose (Balasana)

Because it is a resting position, this one successfully relieves stress and exhaustion. Stretching out the shoulders, hips, and spine is also beneficial. How to execute: Squat with your knees either together or apart on your heels. Begin leaning forward and slowly lowering your forehead to the floor as you breathe. Put your palms down and extend your arms forward. Spend about a minute in this position while inhaling and exhaling.
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