6 Things We Can See Only in Scandinavia and Nowhere Else

When you think of Scandinavian countries, what images come to mind? Canals? IKEA furnishings? Danes? This essay will demonstrate how little we actually know about Scandinavian culture. They're crazy! Naturally, in a positive way.A few phenomena that are unique to northern Europe have been discovered. Additionally, there is a bonus section on events that are exclusive to Norway towards the conclusion of the article.

1. In Denmark, you get thrown cinnamon on your 25th birthday if you are unmarried.

Why not create crossings of this kind everywhere in the world? It makes you want to slow down, and it looks good.

2. There is an annual championship of wife-carrying held in Finland.

An amazing event takes place in Sonkajärvi, Finland, every July: a gathering of individuals from all over the world gathers to see who can complete an obstacle course the fastest while carrying their spouse. Rules for this strange sport state that ladies must weigh at least 108 pounds and be older than 17 to participate. What encourages participants in this strange competition? As much beer as his wife weighs is awarded to the winner.
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