28 Amazing Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits (That Will Blow You Away!)

Benefits of apple cider vinegar


1. Weight loss

You'll lose inches like a breeze. Do you feel like you've tried every fad diet in the book, but still haven't seen results? If you've never tried apple cider vinegar, you might want to give it a try. There is a rumor that it reduces stomach fat by increasing satiety, or feeling full. As a bonus, the acetic acid also prevents as much fat from being absorbed as well. Dress salads with this dressing or drink it diluted in water. Make the drink by mixing apple cider vinegar and water together.

2. Get rid of varicose veins

What if I told you that apple cider vinegar could reduce the appearance of varicose veins? Here's something you can try if you're suffering... Add witch hazel to the mixture and apply to the affected area.
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