14 Non-Obvious Cleaning Tricks You Should Try Right Away
The subject of how to simplify cleaning procedures and, more significantly, increase their efficacy has always been significant and pertinent. Thankfully, you can prolong the freshness of your clothing and other possessions with a few little-known tips.We've gathered some unexpected yet highly practical cleaning tips that aren't so evident.
1. A mattress can be made clean with a spray.

You might wonder how we can make a mattress that we use for a large portion of our lives feel better. Well, it's not washable. Of course, you could hire a cleaning service to handle this, but you can simply use a spray made of one part alcohol and two parts water to clean the mattress's top layer.After giving your mattress a thorough vacuum, scatter the alcohol solution over it. Keep it dry. The alcohol will eliminate any bacteria causing an off-putting scent and sterilise the top layer.
2. To maintain its fresh scent, store cat litter in the refrigerator.

Scents are highly absorbed by cat litter. The refrigerator will continue to smell fresh if you place it in a box and place the box in the refrigerator.The combination of odours in the refrigerator might create an unpleasant odour even though everything is fresh. Mineral litters won't do anything in the refrigerator; silica litters are the ideal option. Wood litter typically has its own distinct fragrance, so be sure to stay away from it.
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