11 Foods Your Body Will Thank You for Eating

5. Bananas

Unjustifiably, bananas are frequently left off the list of nutritious foods. Bananas, however, are the best for regulating blood sugar levels (well, maybe something else can, but isn't it nice to eat a banana guilt-free?) The resistant starch in bananas makes us feel satiated and curbs our hunger by delaying the emptying of the stomach. Pectin, which aids in the removal of toxins from our bodies, is also present in them. Make an apple-banana smoothie in the morning to boost your vitamin intake.

6. Nuts

Nuts contain a lot of fibre, which is essential for maintaining clear, healthy skin. Nuts, which contain fibre, assist rashes, yeast, and fungus in leaving our bodies rather than being expelled via our skin. Take it easy, though—eating too many nuts can result in weight gain. Advice: Try substituting a small pack of almonds for your favourite guilty-pleasure treat.
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